Millington Arbela District Library Director The Millington Arbela District Library is accepting resumes for the position of Library Director. Description: The Millington Arbela District Library is a Class III library serving a population of over 7,400 in the Village of Millington and Millington and Arbela Townships. Millington is a charming rural community located in the Thumb of Read More
Posts by webmaster
$8.55 Million in COVID-19 Workplace Safety Grants Available
With employers across the state working to keep their employees, customers, and communities safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, the State of Michigan has launched the Michigan COVID-19 Safety Grant Program. These grants will provide small businesses matching funds of up to $10,000 to decrease the risk of COVID-19 spread through the purchase of safety and Read More
Board Meeting Minutes & Director’s Report July 22, 2020
The White Pine Library Cooperative Board meeting minutes and Director’s Report have been published and can be found at:
Congress Introduces Library Stabilization Fund Act
ALA asks advocates to urge cosponsors for new legislation Library Stabilization Fund Act (S.4181 / H.R.7486) The spread of COVID-19 has caused significant financial losses for America’s libraries, resulting in disruption to core library services, thousands of furloughs and layoffs. The Library Stabilization Fund Act would allow libraries across the country to retain staff, maintain services, and safely keep communities connected and informed. Read More
Board Meeting Minutes & Director’s Report May 26, 2020
The White Pine Library Cooperative Board meeting minutes and Director’s Report have been published and can be found at:
Saginaw County Health Department’s Reopening Plan
Saginaw County Health Department’s Reopening Plan Public health guidance for Saginaw County industry leaders to reopen or expand current services. This guidance ensures the health and safety of employees, customers, and visitors. RELEASED MAY 14, 2020
Library of Michigan CARES Act grants – application
The Library of Michigan (LM) is pleased to announce CARES Act grant program as part of LM’s response to the COVID-19 crisis’ impact on Michigan public libraries. The LM grant program is designed to assist public libraries in providing improved access to the Internet for their community, while maintaining a safe environment for staff and Read More
RIDES & MeLCat Quarantine and Cleaning Guidelines
Materials delivered to your building will need some special attention for the protection of both library staff and courier staff. These guidelines are based on CDC recommendations, and may change if those recommendations change. Quarantine/cleaning guidelines Materials – Quarantine books for 24-72 hours. 24 hours for paper/cardboard covers 72 hours for mylar plastic covers & Read More
Now Closed -Office Furniture and Equipment for Sale
Items that are currently available to purchase. There is a suggested priced listed but best offers will be considered. Please contact Sheila Good at if you are interested. All items are “As Is”. You will be responsible for pickup, but not until June 2020. Scroll over each image for details and suggested price. [supsystic-gallery Read More
Executive Order Extends Closures through May 28
Executive Order 2020-69, extends the closure of places of public accommodation, including libraries and museums, through May 28 to members of the public.