WPLC Annual Meeting 2024


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September 24, 2024 11:59 pm

Breakout groups will be held in the afternoon. Please enter topics you would like to discuss with other attendees. (Ex: Renovations, programming, etc.)

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WPLC Annual Meeting

10:00 am 4:30 pm

Trillium Banquet Center

The Trillium Banquet Center, 6415 State Street, Saginaw, MI 48603

$25 members / $35 non-members; an invoice will be sent later.

Organized by White Pine Library Cooperative

Please be aware that this event will be held in a large room, and temperatures will vary depending on seating. Please dress accordingly.

During our morning sessions, we will be discussing emergency action plans. Please feel free to bring your floor plan if you have one!

Breakfast and Lunch Menu

Annual Meeting Flyer

Active Threat Awareness Training, Aaron Witt, A-Train Tactical

Active Threat Awareness Training focuses on various important topics including maintaining situational awareness, developing a survival mindset, lessons learned from real-world incidents, and prevention and response strategies. We will also discuss what an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is and how it can increase your organization’s overall response capabilities. The facilitator will also lead a discussion-based tabletop exercise (TTX) while encouraging the participants to work together, using the principles they learned, to bring the scenario to a logical conclusion. The training will close with a question-and-answer session.

Aaron Witt is the founder and lead consultant for A-Train Tactical, LLC, an active threat consulting firm specializing in helping organizations prepare for, respond to, and recover from critical incidents. He is also associated with the Active Shooter Prevention Project which consists of a community of subject matter experts who are leading the charge to implement a new national standard that focuses on prevention first. Aaron earned his Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice Administration from Ferris State University in 2003. He also holds certifications from FEMA as a Master Exercise Practitioner (MEP) and Michigan State University in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). Aaron has over 23 years of experience in the criminal justice field. He worked as a Corrections Officer at a maximum-security prison and has over 20 years of experience as a federal law enforcement officer.


Michelle Bradley & David Votta, Dreaming, Dreading and Doing: An Overview of the State Libraries and AI Technologies Project, Library of Michigan

The Library of Michigan, along with 14 other State Library Agencies, has been part of a State Libraries and AI Technologies Working Group to facilitate State Libraries in “dreaming” of ways that AI might augment the work that libraries do, in helping libraries to address aspects of AI that we are “dreading”, and in “doing”; by providing us with an AI petting zoo to experiment with AI technologies in real time. This presentation will provide an overview of the project, as well as lessons learned and future plans.

Michelle Bradley is the Library Development Manager at the Library of Michigan. Prior to her current position, she worked in public library administration and multi-type library consortia. In addition to holding a Master of Library Science and a Graduate Certificate in Public Management from Indiana University, and a B.A. in Advertising from Purdue University, she is a certified appreciative inquiry facilitator, coach, and trainer and a certified human-centered design facilitator. She is passionate about helping libraries to engage with their communities, increase collaboration and partnerships, discover their strengths, imagine their futures, design positive strategies for success and improve their workplace cultures. As a certified Forest Bathing Guide, you can find her in her off-work hours enjoying nature.

With a background in Public Services and Special Collections David Votta has worked in libraries for over 20 years. He has served as Reference librarian, Head of Special Collections, Consultant, Public Library Director, and since January of this year has been the Special Collections Manager at the Library of Michigan.


Caleb Rainey, "The Negro Artist," Author/Perfomer/Producer

Caleb “The Negro Artist” Rainey is an author, performer, and producer. He hails from Columbia, Missouri, and holds a B.A. in English (Creative Writing) from the University of Iowa. His debut book, Look, Black Boy, became Amazon’s #1 new release in African American poetry, and was awarded first prize in the North Street Book Prize. His second book, Heart Notes was published in 2019 and was featured on Iowa Public Radio. He released two spoken word albums, a studio version of Look, Black Boy, and a performance album titled, Heart Notes Live! In 2023, as a part of the Brucemore Artisan in Studio Program, Caleb produced his first short film, Willing to Grow.  He also co-founded the literary magazine Black Art; Real Stories, was published in Iowa's Best Emerging Poets - 2019, the Little Village Magazine, and wrote a monthly column for The Real Mainstream. For three years in a row he was named Best Poet/Spoken Word Performer in Cedar Rapids & Iowa City.

As a performer Caleb is the winner of multiple poetry slams across the country. In 2023 he competed in the UNESCO Slam-0-Vision global poetry slam where he ranked 7th worldwide. He has taken the stage in countless cities, including Saint Louis, Kansas City, Baltimore, Washington DC, Las Vegas, Denver, Phoenix, Atlanta, Houston, Chicago, New York City, and even internationally in London, England. He has shared the stage with spoken word titans such as Siaara Freeman, Denice Frohman, Javon Johnson, Ebony Stewart, Anthony McPherson, Danez Smith and Patricia Smith. Videos of his performances are also online at Write About Now and Button Poetry. Outside of poetry, Caleb acted in a number of plays, some of which include Blood at the Root, I and You, and the Iowa debuts Exit Strategy and Luna Gale.

When he is not writing and performing he is actively curating a community of spoken word poets in Iowa City through his high school program, IC Speaks, and producing events like the Mic Check Poetry Fest.

Registration deadline: September 24, 2024 

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