WPLC Annual Meeting
10:00 am 4:00 pm
Golden Glow Ballroom
2950 S Graham Rd, Saginaw, MI 48609
$20 members / $30 non-members
White Pine Library Cooperative
James LaRue
An overview of trends in intellectual freedom, and updates on a couple of our recent office initiatives. This would include running occasionally controversial civic engagement programs - where some part of the community gets upset and wants to disinvite a speaker, for instance.
An overview on "getting ready" for challenges (which policies you should have), to responding to the challenge in the moment (particularly for front line staff), to follow-up (a reconsideration process, office support if you need it).
An introduction to library privacy issues, a growing issue.
Mary Kelly and Holly Hibner through pictures and discussion show how to decide which books to keep in your library.
Author, Illustrator Matt Faulkner will speak. His books will be available for purchase and signing.
View the AGENDA for further details.