No Reservations Recommendations

The website is live as of October 16, 2019.

No Reservations Recommendations website

A new website/database going live at MLA which showcases and highlights recommendations for vendors and services, from auditing firms to plumbers.  The database will be arranged by cooperative boundaries.

Please submit your positive recommendations as this will only be successful if libraries contribute.


In May 2018, the Woodlands Library Cooperative Continuing Education Committee, under Director Kate Pohjola Andrade, offered a workshop titled, “The care and feeding of our library buildings” in Jackson, Michigan. Rebecca Higgerson, Director of Brandon Township Public Library, attended and at the conclusion of the program Kate and Rebecca began discussing how public libraries could better share facilities-related information. As it often happens, the discussion grew into the larger issue of how libraries can share a wide variety of vendor information with each other without redundancy. The concept on which they settled was to offer a moderated website where directors can provide contact information for companies with whom they’ve had a positive experience. Thus No Reservation Recommendations (NRR) was born! Shauna Quick, Circulation Manager at Brandon Township Public Library, was brought into the project to design the website and ensure its functionality.