Intellectual Freedom & Materials Challenges

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Additional Resources

Lakeland Library Cooperative (LLC)
LLC has created their own intellectual freedom resource page that includes links to collection development policy examples from across the state as well as helpful tips to combat misinformation.

Let America Read
Social media campaign designed to get people reading banned books and talking about them. The website links a large number of organizations working on collective action and advocacy as well as institutions willing to supply materials to libraries who have been affected by book removal campaigns.

Michigan Association of School Librarians (MASL, formerly MAME)

While some items on the website are focused on school libraries rather than public libraries, MASL has collected a broad array of intellectual freedom resources including advocacy toolkits, brainstorming resources to build your supporting coalition, and news about intellectual freedom.

Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) Blog - Grassroots 101

Short blog post from an activist turned elected official about organized censorship efforts, the importance of mobilized grassroots support, and how to defend against book banning.