Continuing Education Resources
ASCLA Online Courses and Webinars
The Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies
ALA Events and Conferences
California INFOPEOPLE archived podcasts
Tutorials (Introduction, Basics, Functions, Data Analysis and VBA) on how to use Excel. Easily find related examples and features (300 Examples) in each chapter
Excel tutorial from
This site's purpose is to teach Excel 2016 and 2019 quickly and efficiently using easy-to-follow, illustrated examples.
Here is a great online training site. You have to create an account but it is free. Over 750 lessons in Computers, Reading, and Math. Learn at your own pace about Blogging, Social Media, Computer troubleshooting, Office 2010, email and internet basics, and much more. Lessons include textual and interactive learning, video, and extras.
Library of Michigan Continuing Education
MLA Workshops and Events
MCLS Workshops and Events
Mid Michigan Library League webinars
Current and archived webinars
MeL eResources Training
MeL Databases training for all Michigan library staff and teachers. The focus is to meet the needs in real time, and through MeL provide libraries with the tools and acumen to better serve and educate their communities; thereby strengthening our libraries and state.